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No Veteran Left Behind

The Marine Corps League has always looked after its own, but we see an ever-growing need within our large family, that of all veterans, and their families. Our Fallen Marine Program has grown to include families of those members who have passed. We have a commitment to ensure that families know they have not been forgotten and once a Marine, Always a Marine.


A new chapter began when we were approached by Mrs. Foster from the VA and she told us about all the work she is doing along with other organizations in Savannah. Our goal was to reach out and see how our unit could assist. The request was simple, just be there, help collect much-needed items for our veterans, including homeless veterans.


If you or your organization would love to assist us, just send us a message on our "Contact" page. Let us know how you can assist.

Items that are always in need:

Non-perishable food items - 

Peanut Butter (small 16 oz size works best)

Rice (1-2 lbs bags)

Canned Chicken

Canned or microwave-ready (not frozen) foods that are ready to eat. (example: Canned lasagna, SpaghettiOs, Hormel microwave meals, etc).

Canned beans, Pork & Beans, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Navy Beans and Beanie Weenies, 

Dry beans (1-2 lb. bags)

Spaghetti sauce/pasta sauce


Canned fruits, or those little snackable fruits that come in the little cups.

Soups & Stews

Canned vegetables


Canned Fruit

Mac & Cheese


Instant Potatoes

and any other non-perishable items.



HYGIENE KITS - TRAVEL SIZE ITEMS - Check out my list on Amazon

Bars of soap



Toothpaste & brush

Thermal Blankets

Variety of snacks

Cheese crackers

Body Lotion


Dental flossers

Shaving cream

Shaving razor

Individually wrapped hair combs

Body Wipes

Hand Sanitizer

Feminine hygiene items



Donations can be sent to Edward Gizara (Commandant) (email for information;

Donations can also be made through this link

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

(912) 677-3394

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